Morning & Evening Devotional Reading–
October 3– Evening
by C. H. Spurgeon, revised and edited by W. C. Neff
“[Jesus] himself has suffered, being tempted.”
—Hebrews 2:18
It is a common thought, and yet it tastes like nectar to the weary heart that Jesus was tempted as I am. You have heard that truth many times; but have you comprehended it? He was tempted to the very same sins into which we fall. Do not disassociate Jesus from our common manhood. You may be traveling through a dark tunnel, but Jesus went through it before. It is a sharp fight which you are waging, but Jesus has stood foot to foot with the same enemy. Let us be encouraged, for Christ has borne the load before us. The blood-stained footsteps of the King of glory can be seen along the road we travel at this hour.
In addition to that, it is even sweeter to know that, although Jesus was tempted, he never sinned. And, since this is true, it is not necessary for me to sin either. Jesus was a man, and if one man endured these temptations and did not sin, then, in his power, I also can stop sinning. Some beginners in the Christian life think they cannot be tempted without sinning, but they are mistaken. There is no sin in being tempted— only in yielding to temptation. This should be a source of comfort. We can be encouraged by reflecting on the Lord Jesus— that, though tempted, he gloriously triumphed. As he overcame, so surely will his followers also, for Jesus is the representative for his people. The Head has triumphed, and the members share in the victory!
There is no need to fear, for Christ is with us, armed for our defense. Our place of safety is the chest of our Savior. Our temptations drive us nearer to him. Blessed is the wind that blows us into the port of our Savior’s love! Happy are the wounds which make us seek our Loving Physician. O, tempted ones, come to your tempted Savior, for he understands your weaknesses and will come to your aid. [M&E]