Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading February 29 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "With lovingkindness I have drawn you." --Jeremiah 31:3 The thunders of the law and the terrors of judgment are all used to bring us to Christ. But the final victory is … [Read more...]
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– December 28
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- December 28 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God." --Galatians 2:20 When the Lord in mercy passed by and saw us in our dead and bloody … [Read more...]
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– October 24
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- October 24 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "The trees of the Lord are full of sap." --Psalm 104:16 Without sap a tree can’t flourish or even exist. In the same way vitality is essential to a Christian. There must be … [Read more...]
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– July 4
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- July 4 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "Make them holy through Your truth." --John 17:17 Sanctification (that is, the process of being made holy) begins with regeneration (which means "to be made alive") by the … [Read more...]
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– June 11
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- June 11 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "We love Him because He first loved us." --1 John 4:9 There is no light in the moon or planets but only that which originates with the sun; in the same way there is no true love … [Read more...]