Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– December 14
by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff
“They go from strength to strength.”
–Psalm 84:7
There are various ways to translate the words “from strength to strength,” but all of them contain the idea of progress. That is, the Lord’s people grow stronger and stronger. Usually, if we’re walking, we go from strength to weakness; we start fresh and in good order for our journey, but after a while the going gets tough, and the sun is hot. We sit down by the side of the road, and then pick ourselves up again to continue on our way.
But the Christian pilgrim, having obtained fresh supplies of grace, is as vigorous after years of strenuous travel and struggle as when he first set out. He may not be quite so bubbly and bright, nor quite so hot and hasty in his zeal as he once was, but he is much stronger in all that constitutes real power. He may travel more slowly, but far more surely.
Of course, there are some who let their love grow cold and their sins abound, but this is their own fault. God’s promise is still good, “The young will faint and grow weary, but those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength.”
Those with anxious spirits trouble themselves about the future. “Oh!” they say, “we seem to go from affliction to affliction.” Very true, O you of little faith; but don’t forget that you also go from strength to strength. You will never find a bundle of affliction that doesn’t have God’s sufficient grace at the very center. God never gives a burden to His own without also giving the strength needed to carry it. [M&E]