Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- August 24 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "He will break through the gate before them." --Micah 2:13 Because Jesus has gone before us, nothing remains as it would have been, if he had never passed that way. He has … [Read more...]
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– August 3
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- August 3 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "The Lamb is the light of it." --Revelation 21:23 Think about what it means for the Lamb to be the light of heaven. Light in Scripture is the emblem of joy. The joy of the … [Read more...]
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– August 2
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- August 2 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "He works all things together after the counsel of His own will." --Ephesians 1:11 Our belief in God's wisdom supposes and necessitates that He has a settled purpose and plan … [Read more...]
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– July 29
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- July 29 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "Nevertheless, I am continually with You." --Psalm 73:23 Just as sure as the Psalmist was of his own sin, he was no less sure that he belonged to God. He was fully conscious of … [Read more...]
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading– July 9
Morning & Evening Daily Devotional Reading-- July 9 by Charles H. Spurgeon, Revised and Edited by William C. Neff "Don’t forget all of His benefits." --Psalm 103:2 It is right and good to consider how God has benefited the lives of ancient saints-- to observe His goodness in delivering … [Read more...]