Morning & Evening Ministries
Welcome to Morning & Evening Ministries– the home the Morning & Evening Daily Devotional— bite-sized, but substantive, meditations on Scripture.

Morning & Evening Ministries started in 2003. Bill Neff began M&E by offering a brief 3-minute radio program that was (and still is) aired on radio stations across the United States. His immediate goal was to reintroduce the classic devotional book by Charles H. Spurgeon to a new generation. Spurgeon was a God-focused, grace-filled pastor who lived in 19th century London, England.
Why Spurgeon? Because Spurgeon had a way of focusing on deep biblical and theological truths in a concise, warm, practical, and endearing way– something sorely needed in our day. Too often we either tend toward doctrinal precision without love and grace, or toward a nebulous, undefined spirituality– something quite different from Biblical Christianity. Spurgeon taught and preached a substantive gospel anchored in the Bible and deep theological understanding, yet with kindness, passion for God, and love for the people he served.
The goal of the Morning & Evening radio program was to produce a revised and edited version of Spurgeon’s devotional readings that would be easily understood by today’s hearer on the first reading. Bill wanted to change the readings as little as possible to preserve Spurgeon’s wording and meaning– and yet iron out the strange 19th century Olde English quirkiness.
Reading the Morning & Evening daily devotionals informs your mind and ignites your heart to the things of God. For most, the solution for Biblical and theological ignorance is not attending seminary full-time where one can study the Bible and Christian theology in depth, just as not everyone who wants to eat healthy becomes a Medical Doctor. For most, the solution is to be plugged into the Scriptures on a steady basis and to be exposed to solid Bible reflection and teaching.
That’s what the Morning & Evening provides.
The best way to engage with Morning & Evening is to sign up for the Daily Readings. You will receive these in your inbox each day as long as you wish to receive them. You can unsubscribe at any time.
For those who want to go beyond the M&E Daily Readings, Bill Neff is working on a new section of the M&E site called “Real Life Theology.” It will provide relevant articles, books, and other resources that explore Biblical and Theological topics in more detail– yet it a way that is practical to real life. Make sure you are on the M&E distribution list so that you receive announcements about the launch of Real Life Theology.
Morning & Evening Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Lancaster, PA, and is totally supported by the financial gifts of those who appreciate the ministry and/or want to extend its outreach to others. The mailing address is: Morning & Evening, 1705 Newport Drive, Lancaster, PA 17602